How To Increase Computer Speed | Delete Temporary Files On Computer | Fix Computer Hanging Problems – How To Solve ?

How To Increase Computer Speed  | Delete Temporary Files On Computer |  Fix Computer Hanging Problems – How To Solve ?

This Article we are see about Tips for How to Increase Computer Speed. Lot of temp files are stored in your computer so your computer facing slow and Hanging Problems .

Delete Temporary Files On Windows Computer :

  • open the Start menu (or) press Start + R
  • Then type %temp% in the Search field 
  • Press Enter or OK Button
  • Now Temp folder should open
  • Select all the files and delete that files

Fix Computer Hanging Problems – How To Solve ?

  • click My Computer icon
  • Select C: drive
  • THen Click Right Click -> Properties
  • click -> Disk Cleanup
  • You want Delete Temp files. You selected Files.
  • Click “OK” after you are done selecting data and Disk Cleanup will delete 

How To Increase Computer Speed :